
Hello and welcome to my blog where you'll find many of my experiences and adventures as a liveaboard on Red October, 43' Vista.

Enjoy and please come back again!


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Red October's new decals

A special thanks to Stamford Signs for designing this for our yacht! Tentatively, this will be installed on our transom on June 3rd.  Another great excuse to have a party at the docks! 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Lesson #2 of 3: The Zig Zag

Another part of the lessons is the zig zag maneuver--moving sideways without a bow thruster.  Our yacht does not have a bow thruster which is always nice to have, but not needed.  In this video, Capt Tom attempted to move sideways to land at an open dock.  The practice was done at a semi-empty marina on the other side from us. 


Driving lessons #2 of 3: Controlled Radius Turn

Last Mon, Capt Tom learned to steer RO using a constant radius turn and did very well.  Excerpt from Capt Don Fleming's docking maneuvers: "The constant radius and controlled radius turns represent in controlling the boat in close quarters.  The boat can be held in position during the turn so that the natural slide outward due to the turning inertia, as well as any wind force blowing the boat off the intended line can be eliminated." 

Each practice, he gained more confidence in handling the yacht.  If he can land a jet, then he certainly can land RO anywhere. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New slip for the summer!

Hard to believe that spring has been here for a couple of months--I think that Puxsutawney Phil's predication of an early spring this year was erroneous.  Although he gave us what we wanted to hear at the end of a brutal winter in the northeast, we were in complete denial until it was time to renew our dock lease for the summer.  A probability of moving into an open slip further down on B dock also prompted a major event for us to bid. This would give us a better view and more privacy since there will be many increased activities around the marina soon.  We had already reserved a new slip, which was open, at the time of the lease.  Shortly after, we found out that another slip we REALLY wanted may be open and made our bid for it.  We were granted a first refusal on it when the time comes.  Yea! 

When I returned from NJ last Sun, Tom asked if he could meet me at the marina parking lot and help me carry some things back to the boat.  Awww, what a sweet husband!  In all of the years with him, I still can't tell if he has a surprise in store for me or was just being a gentleman.  Looking out from the boardwalk, my first glance at RO was not right...something happened.  It was not at our usual slip anymore!  RO was proudly residing in the one we wanted!!!  Tired from running a marathon a few short hours ago, I found enough energy to rush down there and jumped for joy! 

left our old spot to the new....

....slip, a great view from RO